The day before you get your A-level results

cutmypicThis time two years ago, I was a bit of a wreck. I was anxiously awaiting my A-level results, so I could see whether I’d gotten into my first choice university. I distinctly remember the wait for my results being really grueling, but I adopted some coping mechanisms to try and make it as pain-free as possible. So without further ado, here are my tips for trying to relax the day before you get your results…

  1. Make a contingency plan. Of course I was desperately hoping that I’d get into my firm university, but it helped me massively to create a back up plan. I searched for universities offering Psychology clearing places, and I was actually pleasantly surprised that several really good unis were there. I went to sleep that night knowing that if I did miss out on my two choices, I was all ready to get on the phone to alternative universities. Head over to somewhere like The Telegraph to look through clearing places.
  2. Do other things. I made the mistake of spending a good chunk of the day on The Student Room (a forum for students) which made me more anxious as it was filled with fellow students panicking, which in turn made me panic! As long as you’re all planned for the day ahead and you’ve got a list of clearing places, there’s absolutely no point in reading all about other students’ nerves.
  3. Similar to number 2, try to spend time with people who aren’t getting their results. It’d probably be a lot better to spend time with older or younger family members who haven’t sat exams, rather than your friends who are likely panicking as well. It’s such a stressful time, and the last thing you need is to get frustrated with others if they’re handling their results worries in a different way to you.
  4. Try to sleep, but don’t worry if you can’t. “Try and get a good night’s sleep” is such a cliche, and it’s often so difficult to put into practice. By all means have a relaxing bath, a hot chocolate and wear your comfiest PJs but if sleep isn’t happening, don’t worry. No matter what happens the next day, you’ll be able to handle it purely from the adrenaline. I’m not advocating pulling an all-nighter on purpose, but there’s no point trying to force yourself to sleep if it’s just not happening.
  5. Plan your day ahead. Decide what time you’ll get up, what time you’ll check UCAS Track, what time you’ll go and collect your results etc. My personal tip is to check Track before you collect your results. I know people who got grades lower than their offers, were convinced they’d miss out on their choices, then checked Track and they’d be accepted anyway. So, check it first and save yourself the potential distress!

I really hope this helps! I’ve been there, so if you are experiencing any nerves my inbox is always open and I am very happy to listen to you. Take care of yourself, and best of luck for tomorrow!

Finally, I’m not really religious, but in times like this I think the message offered by the Serenity Prayer is very apt. “Accept the things you cannot change, have the courage to change the things you can, and have the wisdom to know the difference”

3 thoughts on “The day before you get your A-level results

  1. foodfashionfranceblog says:

    I’m waiting for my results tomorrow and this advice has come quite handy! I wasn’t sure whether to go to school straight away but I might check Track first now!


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